Reverend Mark-Aaron Tisdale, the Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St. Pega’s are very grateful, as ever, that local Peakirk residents help us to maintain the church and keep it open and in good repair.

In November most of the lead was stolen from our church roof. This could be very detrimental to our medieval wall paintings, and now we are not only faced with raising funds to maintain the church, but with the cost of replacing the roof as soon as possible.   To replace the roof covering with tern-coat stainless steel would be at least £55,500, plus the cost of the installation. (Our Architect is getting three quotes for the work). This is the option we would prefer at almost half the cost of replacing with lead. It is less susceptible to theft, looks like lead and has a similar life span. As with other churches who have suffered the theft of lead, Peakirk will be responsible for raising the money to repair the roof which will include local fundraising activities and applying for grants. This will be a major challenge for a small village but we are confident it can be done with your help.

Please can you help us with fund raising ideas? Peakirk has such a strong community spirit and we believe we will succeed with your positive help. Please contact Brian Lever – email with any ideas you may have.

If you do feel able to give any donation to the church roof fund, please bring it to the church between 10.00am and 4.00pm on Saturday, 2nd March. Alternatively, give to any PCC member or post through the door of 3 The Park, Peakirk. Cheques to be made payable to St. Pega’s Church, BACS details: Barclays Sort Code: 20-97-34, Account No. 90704628. All donations remain confidential. If you are a taxpayer and complete an envelope with your name and post code, it will enable the church to claim an additional 25% back from the Inland Revenue. We will be very grateful for whatever you can give.

You are warmly welcome to St. Pega’s on Saturday, 2nd March, when we will be very happy to discuss your ideas or answer any questions over a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.

Thank you for your help.

Rev’d Mark-Aaron Tisdale, Trish Roberts and Sheila Lever

On behalf of the Parochial Church Council – St. Pega’s Church

Sheila Lever

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