Letter to the village

Dear Peakirkers, May 2020
I hope you and your families are all well and coping with the Covid 19 crisis that has changed all our lives.
It seems such a long time ago when we only had the climate emergency to worry about and I think recent events have helped us focus on our priorities as individuals and as a community.
One of the things I have enjoyed most during the lockdown, has been the lack of traffic and seeing so many people out walking and cycling. It has been great to see families enjoying our countryside and having time to look at and listen to nature. We are so lucky to have space to walk alongside the fields and fresh country air to breathe.
But now people need to get back to normal. The children will need to return to school, when it’s safe and work is a priority for most. This has been a worrying time for all of us and a dreadful time for some, but we may look back on it a bit wistfully once we are fully engaged in our “normal” lives and miss the extra time we had to enjoy our natural surroundings.
So, how do we make sure our countryside remains alive and enticing? How do we make sure that we can always walk along the footpaths and spot the swifts and swallows circling overhead?
What can we do about reducing the number of cars on the road and making it safe to cycle down Deeping Road again? How can we protect Betty’s wood and make sure the next generations will be able to walk through the winding paths?
Climate change can be a huge and frightening concept and it often seems like anything we do will make very little difference, but we can make a difference! Let us know what things you have done differently? Will you keep on doing them? Can they help improve our local countryside and perhaps even help with climate change?
Here, in Peakirk and the surrounding area, we can protect and enhance what surrounds us and we must start now, before we lose what has become so valuable to us in this current crisis!
The Climate Emergency Team in Peakirk, is working with the John Clare Countryside Project to map all our green areas and look at how we can join them up, both for us and for wildlife.
Do you know of a local area, that you have enjoyed during the lockdown, or at any time? Somewhere that’s close to your home, but important to your daily life? Please let us know, so we can add it to the map! It doesn’t matter if it is big or small, we want to include it, if it matters to you!
We always welcome new members. If you would like to be more involved, please contact us as follows:
Email: peakirk2025@gmail.com Phone or text: 07710607077
Facebook: Peakirk Wildlife and Climate Emergency Group.
Thank you
Best Wishes from
Peakirk Climate Emergency Group