Community Defibrillator training
Peakirk’s Community Defibrillator is installed and operative thanks to Big Lottery Funding.
The Community Heartbeat Trust will be demonstrating the use of defibrillators and explaining how the equipment works and its benefits to the community in saving precious minutes in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest.
This important event will be open to all on Saturday 8th September from 2.00 to 3.30pm in the Village Hall, Peakirk
We will also be holding a further First Aid Session on Saturday 22nd September 2.00 to 5pm in the Village Hall for up to 25 people.
Please contact us if you would like to attend email or phone 01733 253483
The more people that know how to use this portable defibrillator, the more chance there is of saving the life of a victim of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Everybody is welcome and no special skills are required, Just your willingness to play an important role in the event of a medical Emergency.