HARVEST FESTIVAL AT ST. PEGA’S Sheila Lever 3rd August 2021 0 ST. PEGA'S CHURCH HARVEST FESTIVAL WEEKEND AT ST PEGA’S CHURCH, PEAKIRKSATURDAY 18th SEPTEMBER 2021Stalls in the churchyard 2.00pm until 4.00pmCakes, preserves, books, bric-a-brac etc. (inside the church if wet weather). THE CHURCH WILL BE DECORATED WITH FLOWERS. A BEE TRAIL IN THE CHURCH AND PEBBLE DECORATING FOR THE CHILDREN SUNDAY 19th SEPTEMBER 2021 – Harvest Festival Service at 10.30AMIt’s a harvest of tins and packet goods again this year, please give generously. These can be brought to the service or left in the church porch. all donations going to Peterborough Food Bank.