St Pega’s Church – Jan 2023 Newsletter

8th January at 10.30am – Holy Communion led by Rev’d George Rogers
15th January at 6.00pm. To celebrate St Pega’s Patronal Festival there will be a special Evensong at 6.00pm led by Reader Derek. The new Church guide will be launched and Friends of St Pega have a special invitation. All are welcome and refreshments will be served after the service.
22nd January – No Service at Peakirk. A joint Service4All with St. Benedict’s Church in Glinton at 10.30am
29th January – No Service at Peakirk. Benefice Holy Communion Service at 10.30am at St. Stephen’s in Etton.
TUESDAY@10 – 10th January– scone of the month with coffee/tea and lots of conversation and fellowship. Peakirk Village Hall 10.00am to 12.00noon. Why not invite a friend to join you! This is held on every second Tuesday of the month.

WARM-UP WEDNESDAY – 12noon to 2.00pm Wednesday, January 25th Feeling the Chill – Would you like company on a dark January day? Why not come along to “Warm-up Wednesday” in Peakirk Village Hall.
St Pega’s Café welcomes you to enjoy a bowl of homemade soup with bread roll followed by biscuits or cake. Magazine exchange! Time to chat! Donations welcome. To help with catering, please book a place:
Sheila 01733 252416 or email: or
Jane 01733 574311 or email :
BENEFICE@THEBOOZER meets from 8.00pm onwards on Friday January 27th. This month we will be at The Ruddy Duck in Peakirk. See you there?
ST. PEGA’S CAFE BRUNCH – Please note that our next Brunch will now be held on Sunday, 5th March 2023. Further details nearer the date.
SUPPORT FOR UKRAINE, FOOD BANK AND LIGHT PROJECT. There is still a big demand for toiletries and foodstuff for both the Ukrainian appeal and to support the Food Bank and Light Project. Please continue to donate if you are able through the boxes which are at the back of our church or at Tuesday@10.
ST. PEGA’S CHURCH GUIDE BOOK –This excellent publication is a recommended must for any Peakirk resident’s bookshelves! Contains the history and full colour photographs of our historical and important ancient church. Copies can be obtained at a price of only £5 per copy from Sheila Lever – or Tel: 01733 252416.
Contact Details: Sheila Lever, Church Warden Tel: 01733 252416
Pauline Cooke, Church Warden Tel: 01733 253116
Do follow us on Facebook @ St Pegas Church