Service Schedule for September/October 2020
St. Pega’s Church, Peakirk
Date |
Details |
Led by |
6th September | Evensong at 6.00pm | Rev’d Mark-Aaron |
13th September | Holy Communion at 10.30am | Rev’d Mark-Aaron |
20th September | Morning Prayer at 10.30am | Derek Harris |
27th September | Harvest Parish Worship at 10.30am | Derek Harris |
4th October | Evensong at 6.00pm | Rev’d Mark-Aaron |
11th October | Holy Communion at 10.30am | Rev’d Mark-Aaron |
18th October | Morning Prayer at 10.30am | Derek Harris |
25th October | Parish Worship at 10.30am | Derek Harris |
1st November | Evensong at 6.00pm | Rev’d Mark-Aaron |
Every Wednesday, St. Pega’s Church is open
from 10.00am to 4.00pm for Personal Prayer
Good afternoon,
We didn’t want to contact you too soon to be certain guidelines for the current situation hadn’t changed but perhaps you will not get this in time now. We noticed St Pega were taking part in the Heritage Days and wondered whether we could offer our services? We are a music duo that play especially medieval and Tudor popular dance tunes and melodies (in costume if required). Due to the age of your beautiful church the acoustics would be wonderful for such music. If you liked what we did then perhaps we could perform also at a later date with a view to help you raise funds? We can be contacted at:
with thanks for your time, best wishes Veronica and Andrew