On Thursday, a team of eight got together to thoroughly clean the church after it had been closed since January 2020 and the second phase of the re-roofing work. A big thank you to everyone who donated, and helped and supported us during this difficult time. The church is now allowed to be open, providing precautions are taken following the recent Government and Church of England Guidelines. During July the church will only be open two days each week, on a Wednesday and a Sunday, allowing 72 hours between each opening, as follows:
- Wednesday, 8th July – 10.00am until 4.00pm Pega’s Church offers you a place of private prayer and peace for personal worship every Wednesday during July.
- Sunday, 12th July at 10.30am Rev’d Mark-Aaron will conduct a Holy Communion Service. During the partaking of Holy Communion, Rev’d Mark-Aaron is following the guidelines and will be wearing a mask. The congregation is only allowed to take the bread and not the wine. This will be organised with safe distancing in place.
- Sunday, 19th July at 10.30am Derek Harris, our Lay Reader will lead a Morning Prayer service.
- Sunday, 26th July at 10.30am Derek Harris, our Lay Reader will lead a Parish Worship service.
Please note that all the services will be spoken only as at present the singing of hymns is not allowed.
Government and Church of England Guidelines are being followed. There is one entry into the church by the usual south porch door with a sanitising station as you enter for your use, and we ask you to leave the church after the service by the north door after using the sanitising station there. Safe distancing will be strictly followed inside the church. No refreshments after the service are allowed.
Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals are now able to take place with a maximum of 30 people in attendance. For further details please contact Rev’d Mark-Aaron on 01733 252359.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back into St. Pega’s Church and we will keep you updated on any changes.
Pauline Cooke and Sheila Lever – Church Wardens at St. Pega’s Church