Services in January and February
Sunday, 6th January Evensong at 6.00pm – Led by Rev’s Mark-Aaron Tisdale. You are warmly invited to join us in celebrating St. Pega’s Patronal Festival. A hymn, composed in Latin in St. Pega’s honour by a 13th century monk of Crowland Abbey, will be performed. It’s English translation and short vignettes from her life will also be read. Refreshments will be served after the service. Everybody is welcome.
Sunday, 13th January at 10.30am – Eucharist led by Rev’d Mark-Aaron Tisdale
Sunday, 20th January at 11.00am – Morning Prayer led by Derek Harris, Lay Reader
Sunday, 27th January at 11.00am – United Parish Worship with St. Benedict’s in Glinton Village Hall.
Sunday, 3rd February at 6.00pm – Evensong led by Rev’d Mark-Aaron Tisdale
Sunday, 10th February at 10.30am – Eucharist led by Rev’d Mark-Aaron Tisdale
Sunday, 17th February at 11.00am – Morning Prayer led by Derek Harris, Lay Reader.
Sunday, 24th February at 11.00am – Parish Worship led by Derek Harris Lay Reader.
Refreshments are served after all the morning services. You are welcome to join us for any of the above services.
Christingle Service and Lighting of the Christmas Tree
Our second Christingle Service was very successful and £76.90 was raised for The Children’s Society. This was followed by seasonal refreshments and the lighting of the Christmas Tree in the churchyard. It was good to see so many people attend.
Children’s Nativity and Candlelight Carol Service
A lovely Children’s Nativity was held in church on Saturday, 15th December and the following day there was a full church for our Candlelit Nine lessons and Carols Service. A retiring collection was held for the replacement church roof fund and £197.95 was raised.
Church Roof Update
As you know, the lead from our church roof was stolen in mid November and we now have a temporary covering of plastic sheeting to prevent rain damage inside the church and to protect our medieval wall paintings. This is being monitored regularly especially after heavy rain/wind. A roof alarm is being installed next month – this will be undertaken in two stages. The first to protect the remaining lead on the roof and the second stage will take place to cover the whole roof when it is replaced. We will be applying for grants to help us pay for the replacement roof but we will also have to raise funds ourselves. If you would like to donate to our roof fund, the bank details are as follows : cheques to be made payable to St. Pega’s Church, or by BACS : Barclays Sort Code 29-97-34 and Account Number is 90704628. Thank you.
Bible Study and Prayer Group – Monday, 28th January at 7.00pm at 3 The Park, Peakirk
A new theme – Exploring water in the bible.
Church Brunch – date for your diary!
St. Pega’s Cafe will be holding another Brunch on Sunday, 3rd February from 9.00am until 11.00am in Peakirk Village Hall. Further details to follow shortly.